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Local Stories
Local Stories
Local Stories
Local Stories
Local Stories
Local Stories
Bring your story to life on interactive touchscreens
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What is Local Stories?

In Local Stories you can build your stories on your own computer and see them immediately on the touchscreen

In building your story you can choose different media options such as photos, text, a map or a movie clip, but in addition you can add a quiz, a poll or recent Twitter messages.


The Local Stories application can be used in Libraries, Schools, Museums, Archives, Information Centers, City Halls, Hotels, Universities and all the other places where you want to tell your stories.


Local Stories is a 100% multitouch application and specially designed for large touchscreens, smartboards and touchwalls.

Users can work both individually or together on the features on the screen. The application can be used both with the screen in a vertical standing position as with the screen used as a touchtable to allow users to navigate through the stories together.


Make stories and share stories

Local Stories offers a ‘cloud based’ CMS. With this CMS you can build stories using your own computer and with the help of others. Many storybuilders work together with local partners such as historical societies or schools.

An unique quality of Local Stories is that it enables you to share your stories with other organisations that use the application. All the organisations that use Local Stories can exchange stories and publish them to their own touchscreens.

Make stories and share stories
What sort of stories can you tell with Local Stories?

What sort of stories can you tell with Local Stories?

Libraries, universities and schools use Local Stories

Libraries, universities and schools use Local Stories to tell their latest stories and add context from their collections or offer educational materials. Local Stories is also used to display school projects!

Staatsbosbeheer (Dutch Forestry Commission) uses Local Stories

Staatsbosbeheer (Dutch Forestry Commission) uses Local Stories to give information about their national parks in their visitor centers. You can display all sorts of information and media such as tourist information about a town in a hotel lobby.

Historical Societies use Local Stories

Historical Societies often use Local Stories to to tell historic stories in, for instance, elderly homes, libraries or schools.

Full Service Installation

Full Service Installation

Local Stories is a Full Service product. We take care of everything around the installation so you can focus on the content.

  • Installation and implementing the software on a touchscreen
  • Advice on buying, placing and use of a touchscreen
  • 50% discount on extra licence
  • Free content
  • Free updates, including installation
  • Maintenance and support included

Do you want to know more about Local Stories?

Please mail me at